
Igniting the Conversation About Sperm Health, 2022

Role: Art Director/Designer


Legacy, a DTC digital fertility clinic for people with sperm, needed to break through and normalize the conversation around sperm and fertility issues in trying-to-conceive couples.


We created an integrated brand campaign revolving around their brand book and sparked an uncharted conversation around sperm fertility – where men are 50% of the equation. 

After discovering that many media placements wouldn’t permit use of any words related to sperm, we took to the press to call attention and ownership over the issue. The ads that were able to use sperm words were shared widely across social platforms, with one TikTok garnering nearly 67k views -- a testament to the approach’s success of getting men interested in Legacy and talking about their sperm. 

As a part of an integrated brand effort, we further activated the brand by translating their look and feel into ownable assets.  With a revised art direction, we produced a 1 day shoot which resulted in an extensive library of hundreds of photos and video clips, allowing the brand to migrate away from bland stock assets.

A challenge turned opportunity resulted in a viral social video featuring an Austin billboard, an extremely active subreddit, and millions of impressions across earned media.


Visual Identity, Naming and Tagline Campaign Development, Campaign Strategy, Art Direction, Copy, Production, Photography, Video


